Crew Member
The Minister of Transport - The Honourable Omar Alghabra MP, recently provided clarification in respect to Paramedic designation during Air Medivac operations.
The Minster responded in part as follows:
"I am responding to your correspondence of October 13th 2021, to the Honourable Omar Alghabra, Minister of Transport, regarding , Paramedic designation during Air Medivac operations. The Minister has asked me to reply on his behalf.
Thank you for your letter of October 13th in regard to Paramedic designation during Air Medivac operations. This should provide the clarity you are seeking in regard to your concerns.
According to the definitions found in subsection 101.01(1) of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs):
medical evacuation flight means a flight that is carried out for the purpose of facilitating medical assistance and on which one or more of the following persons or things is transported:
(a) medical personnel,
(b) ill or injured persons,
(c) human blood products or organs,
(d) medical supplies;
crew member means a person who is assigned to duty in an aircraft during flight time, …
flight attendant means a crew member, other than a flight crew member, who has been assigned duties to be performed in the interest of the passengers in a passenger-carrying aircraft.
Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA) accepts that medical personnel (for example, nurses, doctors and paramedics) are carried during a medical evacuation flight (medevac) for the purpose of providing medical assistance to an ill or injured person. To that end, they are assigned duties in an aircraft during flight time and therefore meet the definition of crew member."