Pro bono Assistance Offer

April 2020

Shortly after the pandemic effects were being felt by the aviation industry (and others alike) QualaTech launched a 'time limited' pro bono Consulting offer to those Clients in the most dire need of immediate assistance. The intent being to help them survive some of the immediate consequences of the virus.

The offer ran for a little over two months and as I like to think, it was very helpful. Nevertheless, all good things must come to an end and the offer expired sooner than expected as QAC resources began to evaporate.

Further information can be found at:

"I think we can all agree the world is in a state of crisis, perhaps on a scale never equaled and unless smart robust decisions are made and subsequently enacted with resolve and urgency - without personal agenda – the situation could get a whole lot worse very fast! Aside from the physical / mental health issues associated with COVID 19, an equally grave concern for many is the financial consequence and how life and business will survive the calamity. ...."