Bill Yearwood - Safety Action Investigations (SAI) Private Investigator

Bill Yearwood
Mr. Yearwood started his flying career on a sugar estate in South America on flying Fixed-wing aircraft. Eventually Fixed-wing flying gave way to Rotary-wing with civilian operations in the Northern Hemisphere, which included flying with Heli-logging, fire-fighting, Med-evac, Corporate, Arctic and Off-shore explorations, flight training, and design change flight testing.
Mr. Yearwood gained employment with Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA), where for over 8 years he was assigned to complex and significate duties which included for example, his assistance in the Audit of U.N. Air Operations around the world. While with the TCCA, Mr. Yearwood was promoted to 'Director of System Safety' (1996 - 1999) accomplishing amongst other notable achievements the 'Drafting' of the Canadian Civil Aviation Regulations.
Subsequent to this, Mr. Yearwood was later directly involved in the 'Transport Safety Board of Canada' (TSB) as 'Manager Aviation Accident Investigations' (1999 - 2019).
Mr. Yearwood has an amazing ability and aptitude for understanding human and engineering issues; which in his words "helps to provoke change and reduce risk". Another infamous statement Mr. Yearwood is remembered for is "Aviation Regulations are written in Blood".
Having retired in 2019 from the TSB in 2019 with the highly acclaimed 'Governor General’s Citation' for his many years of dedication and enhancement of safety within aviation, Mr. Yearwood established his own Consultancy, wherein he is the Principal "Private Investigator" at 'Safety Action Investigations' (SAI).
In his spare time, Mr. Yearwood has written a definitive book called "Getting It", and I Strongly recommend you do!
Ramona Reynolds Youtube Interview with Bill Yearwood:
Mr. Yearwood is highly involved with QualaTech Projects and Clients as an active Associate of QualaTech Aero Consulting Ltd.
To contact Mr. Bill Yearwood - SAI Consulting Services, please email QualaTech Aero Consulting Ltd: